Don't you know how to respect on others people? Please don't create story that you really not confirmed yet . At the first time, I can accept, and I'll try to tell you the truth.. But for the next time you mention about the same things, you'll get my PIAK for free. Hu hu hu. PIAK = slapping on your face la.
Aku tau dia nak mengayat aku. Tapi bukan itu cara nya. Aku bukan nak cakap aku ni very the formal, banyak protokol....tapi sometimes, tolonglah behave urself. Jokes itu tak salah, tapi sangat salah tempat. Macam nak buang air besar, xkan nak buang kat dalam tepi longkang. eeeee... tak kene tempat tau. Sorry, kotor pulak . Ha ha ha ha.
You nak kenal dengan I tapi cara u salah. Lagi satu, salah tempat dan masa. Tak gentlemen some more. memang dapat pelempang free. Anytime jer aku kasi. Malam-malam macam ni merosakkan mood aku la. Aku nak clean up all those fb'ians yang aku tak kenal... Dah tu perangai malas aku dah timbul dah. Dah la aku sibuk sangat kebelakangan ni. Facebook pun ye ye jer aku masuk, pastu tak tau nak buat apa. Stress la... I'm really tired and mentally exhausted. So, don't mess up with me for this few days. Kalau berani, memang nak kene la kan. Ha ha ha. Apa-apa pun goodnight, harap-harap la perangai hantu tak berlanjutan. Need to rest and make my mind clear. Tomorrow will be a long-long day to go through.
New Year?
Dah 2025…
When i was younger, a year felt so loooonnnggg! But now... it feels so
brief, a blink away. Macam mana i dah ada kids?? What??!? Me? I have
2 months ago
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